Allow me to introduce myself - I'm Jesse

My life's story is a testament to the power of perseverance and the transformative impact of a positive influence. As a toddler, circumstances led to my removal from my parents' care, as their battles with addiction hindered their ability to provide a stable environment. This marked the beginning of a tumultuous journey that saw me bounce between foster homes and orphanages.

At the age of twelve, the state introduced me to a mentor who would change the course of my life. This remarkable individual became the positive male role model I had always longed for. He would pick me up after school, helped me with my homework and played basketball together. In a world where positive influences were scarce, he stood as the only beacon of light.

With my mentor's guidance, I gradually began to piece my life together. His unwavering support and belief in my potential motivated me to get my act together. Together, we worked tirelessly to ensure my education remained a priority. Eventually, I achieved what seemed like an unattainable dream - admission into Boston University, where I pursued a degree in social work.

During my time at college, an unexpected revelation occurred. As a NCAA lacrosse athlete, I discovered the weight room. This newfound domain became more than just a space for physical training; it became a sanctuary where I found purpose and control in my life. The weight room ignited a passion within me that burned brighter than ever before.

Upon graduating, I embarked on a career in social services, working with at-risk youth and foster children, all while keeping my passion for fitness and strength training alive. However, the limitations of my income as a social worker compelled me to make a tough decision. I returned to college to study exercise science, obtaining certification as a personal trainer to supplement my earnings.

My journey as a personal trainer took an unexpected turn, as success began to unfold before me. I couldn't help but feel a sense of longing for the meaningful work I had left behind - working with foster care kids. The flaws and inadequacies I witnessed within the foster care system programs inspired me to create something better, fueled by my firsthand understanding of the challenges these children face.

I yearned to build my own program, one that comprehends and empathizes with the unique needs of foster care kids. My personal experiences within the system have equipped me with a profound understanding of their struggles and the belief that I can make a difference. 

By combining my passion for fitness and strength training with my expertise in social work, I aim to create a transformative environment where these children can thrive and find solace.

My journey from troubled youth to accomplished personal trainer has been one of humbling experiences and valuable lessons. Now, I stand ready to return to my roots and dedicate myself to making a lasting impact on the lives of foster care kids. With unwavering determination and a heart full of compassion, I am committed to rewriting the narrative and providing these children with the care, guidance, and opportunities they truly deserve.

With my mentor's help, I was able to overcome the burden of my past and build an exciting future for myself. Now I want to pay it forward to others like me.

Learn More About My Story