Project F: the First-Ever Gym for Foster Youth

At "Project F", we believe in the power of physical fitness and mentorship to transform lives. Our gym offers a safe haven where these foster children can find solace, unleash their potential, and develop their physical and mental well-being. But it doesn't stop at just the weights.

Through our mentoring program, we provide the guidance, support, and encouragement these children need to thrive. We understand the unique challenges they face and aim to be the steady presence they can rely on during their journey.

"Project F" is more than just a gym. It's a community of individuals dedicated to making a lasting impact on the lives of foster kids in Boston. We work tirelessly to create an environment that nurtures growth, builds confidence, and instills a sense of belonging.

We invite you to join us in this incredible endeavor. Whether through volunteering, donations, or spreading the word, every contribution helps us make a difference in the lives of these resilient young individuals.

Together, we can empower foster children, providing them with the tools they need to rise above their circumstances and create their own success stories. Join us at "Project F" as we build a brighter future, one child at a time.

Learn More About Project F

Getting Started

The beauty of this model is that it pays for itself. Once Project F's studio is up and running, client fees will sustain the operation. But it is costly to open a location. I'm seeking to raise $65,000 because this is the amount it will cost to get this project off the ground in year one. We estimate:

  • $38,000 to rent a centrally-located commercial space in Boston for one year

  • $25,000 to furnish the space with the weights and fitness equipment needed to run a studio

Right away, these funds will mean we can give 10-12 foster kids a job, a community, and a sense of purpose. But most of all, we can send them a message of hope. We can tell them that we care what happens to them, that people from all over are excited to see them build Project F.

That message meant the world to me when I was in foster care. Let's share it with others.

Thank you,
